Saturday, March 1, 2008

Microsoft Project is not Project Management

Microsoft Project-Terrible for Project Planning

The tools is adequate for project tracking, but when it comes to planning, get your head out of the tool. Good project management should focus on the activities that communicate and lead the understanding of the project for the entire team. Getting caught up in the tasks, dependencies, links etc. within project are a distraction at the wrong time.

All the tools and techniques within for project management profession are designed to help facilitate and communicate the understanding of the project to all stakeholders. Diving into a tool really takes your focus away from what is important.

Project Charter

The project Charter is one of the most important deliverables a project manager can deliver. It is a great way to ensure that all stakeholder including the business sponsors are on board before any work is completed. With out it, a project manager may have a misunderstanding with the scope of a project and therefor the ultimate solution is at risk.

Project Managment Charter, don't start a project without one. By the way, it can be a single page document. But make sure you business exectives sign off.

Brian Price